Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why does life suck ?

Breaking down the problem

  • Life sucks - this is the reality Im faced with - if it doesnt for you then thats fantastic.

  • The general reasons are absence or having less of love, money, work, family, health - i.e the many dimensions across which human beings experience life

  • From the above I am lucky enough to have love, family, health (though the battle of the bulge has commenced).

  • Money - you can never have enough of it ? I think we can answer this is we have defined our life goals and see if our current + future earnings can fund these goals.

Money: The problem is defining these goals - we have a fuzzy feeling that we wont be able to fund our (undefined) goals and hence the money part sucks. Defining lifes goals are not easy at least for me - I mean what should one do now - in the long run we are all dead anyway. Surprisingly many goals are cheap - having good friends, helping other people, going trekking or visiting places (there are too many beautiful spots in India where you can visit for peanuts) - so perhaps we should do as follow. Steps : Set Life Goals -> Segregate goals into cheap and expensive -> Keep doing the cheap ones -> keep pruning the expensive ones. Among the expensive goals there are those that are critical childs education, house to live in, money for wife after you kick the bucket - these need to be quantified. The other expensive goals are those that I'll feel sad about if they dont come to pass but wont kill me if they are not achieved. Steps: Segregate expensive goals into critical and non-critical goals -> quantify expensive critical goals (priority/money/timeline) -> quantify expensive non-critical goals

  • Work - From speaking to all my friends and collegues the thing that makes life suck the most is work. Why is this ?

Work: I use to love working for works sake - not for the money or the next promotion or for anything. I remember the time when working on something caused time to blur and work became the single focal point of all my energy and abilities - there was no exhaustion, boredom, stagnation, cribbing, shitty feeling - none of these things that are my constant companions today. Im paid well, I use to have a good boss, I use to have a great team, I was on top of my game - but I was dissatisfied - why ??? Why did success breed failure ?