Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Road most Travelled

So we are faced with two roads - one which offers good money and good title in a stable / solid fortune 500 company with a well defined career and prospects and the other path which is not at all well defined, which may or may not lead to riches, has no title & definately no perks, implies financial constraints in the short run and has no defined path - this is the path to following your dreams and becoming an entreprenuer. So which will it be ?

Well I chose the former - everytime there was a fork in the road I chose the road most travelled. At first I was not even aware of the other path - but gradually the other path came into focus. Why did this happen ? First I went to the ISB - it showed me to be the frog in the well that I was and 2nd I've seen how big firms operate and I'm pretty sure that there is a better way. As I move up in my career Ive seen big firm operate politically rather than rationally, Ive seen them abuse and disregard human capital and Ive seen them make a mess of the important things that need to be done. Seeing these things has moved me to where I can see the value of the other path - different from the road most travelled.

The million dollar Q - So why not jump in ? Ah well - GMD* coefficient is zero :) Also no great ideas ,fear of failure, no financial cushion and no partner. So which of these are the biggest blockers ? Financial backup I think is key - so if I have a crore in the bank I would definately be able to look at moving out of regular work. What about an idea ? I have some I think one of which may really work - but definately need one other person who is highly motivated and positive.

GMD* = Gaand me dum